Project title: “Increasing the competitiveness of the XDEEP company by developing and implementing a product innovation in the form of a new type of diving device with a closed circuit rebreather.”
Together, we work towards a green, competitive, and socially integrated Europe.
Project title: “Increasing the competitiveness of the XDEEP company by developing and implementing a product innovation in the form of a new type of diving device with a closed circuit rebreather.” under the Operational Program NORW.00.00.00 Priority Axis 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. Action 19.1 New Products and Investments Sub-action 19.1.2 Innovations in the field of inland or marine waters – Blue growth.
Project value: The total cost of project implementation is PLN 4 354 891,00 including co-financing of EUR 457 247,72 (PLN 2 074 853,00).
The aim of the project is to develop the XDEEP company and to increase its competitiveness by developing and implementing an innovative product in the form of a new type of diving device with a closed circuit rebreather (CCR – Closed Circuit Rebreather) – used both in inland and marine waters.
Norway grants
The Norwegian funds and EEA funds represent Norway’s contribution to building a green, competitive, and socially integrated Europe. Through the Norwegian and EEA funds, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic inequalities and strengthening bilateral relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltic Sea region. Norway closely collaborates with the EU under the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Along with other donors, Norway has contributed 3.3 billion euros through successive fund programs from 1994 to 2014. The Norwegian funds are exclusively financed by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. The Norwegian funds for the period 2014-2021 amount to 1.25 billion euros. The priorities for this period include:
- Innovation, research, education, competitiveness, and decent work;
- Social integration, youth employment, and poverty reduction;
- Environment, energy, climate change, and low-emission economy;
- Culture, civil society, good governance, and basic rights;
- Justice and internal affairs.
Information about the Norwegian and EEA Grants: